Nanite Systems

Nanite Systems Logo

Nanite Systems or the Nanite Systems Corporation (Abbreviated to NS) is a corporation primarily known for its unit centric products, such as unit controllers, hardware, addons, batteries, and chargers. They also sell a range of other products such as repair tools, physical augmentations, weapons, and personal defense drones.

Nanite Systems has branches across many worlds, its influence spreading anywhere its robotics and medical products are in demand, or otherwise wherever they have asserted themselves. While there are other competitors in the market of products such as unit controllers and units themselves, the ubiquity of Nanite Systems products has lead to the proliferation of charging their charging stations across MetroSomnia.


The Nanite Systems storefront at MetroSomnia.

A commercial branch of Nanite Systems is located in the northwestern corner of the sim. It can also be reached by using one of the sim's Abductinator teleporter pads bt selecting "NS Store" to be directly placed outside of one of its entrances. The store can be reached by using a TELOS telepad by standing on the pad and selecting "Store Demo Pad".

External Links

Official Website